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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Características clave a considerar al elegir una mesa OT manual

Surgical procedures require precision and the utmost care, and one crucial element in ensuring a successful surgery is the choice of the operating table (OT table). Manual OT tables are a popular choice due to their reliability and cost-effectiveness. However, selecting the right manual OT table involves considering various key features to meet the specific needs of your surgical facility. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the essential factors to keep in mind when choosing a manual OT table that best suits your requirements.

Introducción a Mesas de quirófano manuales

Manual OT tables are an integral part of any surgical setup, offering a stable and adjustable platform for patients during surgical procedures. Unlike motorized tables, which rely on electricity and advanced mechanisms, manual OT tables are operated manually, making them a practical and dependable choice for many medical facilities. To make an informed decision when selecting a manual OT table, it’s essential to understand the key features and considerations associated with these tables.

Table Adjustability

Ajuste de altura

One of the primary considerations when choosing a manual OT table is its height adjustability. The ability to easily and precisely adjust the table’s height is crucial for accommodating surgeons of different heights and optimizing patient positioning.

Funcionalidad de inclinación

In addition to height adjustment, manual OT tables should offer tilt functionality. This feature allows the surgical team to position the patient optimally for various surgical procedures. Look for tables that provide both Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positions, as well as lateral tilt options.

Tabletop Movements

Consider the ease of tabletop movements when evaluating manual OT tables. Smooth and precise tabletop adjustments are essential for achieving the desired patient position during surgery. Tables with multiple locking positions provide added flexibility.

Capacidad de peso

Maximum Load

Another critical feature to consider is the table’s weight capacity. Different surgical procedures may require tables to support varying levels of patient weight. Ensure that the chosen manual OT table can comfortably accommodate the maximum load it may encounter during surgeries.

Durability and Build Quality

Construction Material

The durability and build quality of the OT table are paramount. These tables should be constructed from high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of daily use in the operating room. Stainless steel or robust aluminum frames are often preferred for their longevity and resistance to corrosion.

Tabletop Material

Examine the material used for the tabletop itself. It should be easy to clean and disinfect to maintain a sterile surgical environment. Radiolucent tabletops are ideal for procedures that require imaging, as they allow X-rays and other imaging modalities to pass through.

Mobility and Maneuverability

Casters and Locking Mechanisms

Consider the mobility of the manual OT table. Tables equipped with sturdy casters and locking mechanisms enable easy movement within the operating room. Lockable casters provide stability during surgery.

Accessories and Attachments


Assess the availability and compatibility of accessories and attachments for the manual OT table. These may include arm boards, leg holders, or headrests, which can enhance patient positioning and overall surgical efficiency.

Infection Control and Maintenance

Easy Maintenance

Surgical equipment, including OT tables, must adhere to strict infection control protocols. Choose a manual OT table that is easy to clean and disinfect. Seamless and crevice-free designs minimize the risk of microbial contamination.

Ergonomía y facilidad de uso

Surgeon Comfort

Consider the ergonomics of the manual OT table. Surgeon comfort is crucial for maintaining precision and focus during surgery. Tables with user-friendly controls and ergonomic designs can contribute to a smoother surgical experience.

Preguntas más frecuentes

Q1: Can manual OT tables be upgraded with additional features?

A1: Yes, many manual OT tables offer the option to upgrade with additional features and accessories. However, the extent of upgradability may vary among different models and manufacturers. It’s advisable to consult with the manufacturer or supplier regarding specific upgrades for your chosen table.

Q2: Are manual OT tables suitable for specialized surgical procedures?

A2: Manual OT tables are versatile and suitable for a wide range of surgical procedures. However, for specialized procedures that require highly precise positioning or advanced imaging integration, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen manual OT table meets those specific requirements.

Q3: How often should manual OT mesas be maintained?

A3: Manual OT tables should undergo regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance and longevity. The frequency of maintenance depends on factors such as the intensity of use and manufacturer recommendations. It’s advisable to establish a maintenance schedule and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for care and servicing.


Choosing the right manual OT table is a crucial decision for any surgical facility. By considering key features such as table adjustability, weight capacity, durability, mobility, accessories, infection control, and user-friendliness, you can select a manual OT table that meets the unique needs of your surgical team and enhances patient care. Careful evaluation and attention to detail in the selection process will contribute to the overall success of surgical procedures in your facility.

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