304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Horas de trabalho
Segunda a sexta: 7h00 - 19h00
Fim de semana: 10h - 17h

Cama de enfermagem elétrica e manual A2

Electric&manual Turnover Nursing Bed A2

This electric nursing bed is a high-end hospital bed with a multi-functional electric&manual integrated with advanced technology, which is designed and developed for people who cannot take care of themselves and who are inconvenient to move.

Size(MM) L1500×W 970×H430

Back adjustment(° ) 0-75° ±5°

Leg adjustment(° ) 0-35° ±5°

Overall lifting (MM) 510–610

Right lateral tilt (° ) 25 ± 2

Left lateral tilt (° ) 25 ± 2

Bearing capacity (KG) ≥ 260

Packing size (MM) 2200×960×420/620

Bedside box size(MM) 970×140×550

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