304 North Cardinal St.
Дорчестер-центр, Массачусетс 02124

Часы работы
С понедельника по пятницу: с 7:00 до 19:00.
Выходные: 10.00 - 17.00

Электрическая родильная кровать D5

Our range of D5 Electric Delivery Bed are designed to ease the trauma of birth by providing comfort and support throughout the stages of delivery. A selection of accessories increases the comfort of both the mother and nursing staff.
This intergrated bed is designed to reduce childbirth trauma by providing comfort and support throughout the delivery stage.

About Electric Delivery Bed D5

This bed is specially designed for the whole process of maternity, childbirth, recovery and so on.Comfortable design allows puerpera to eliminate tension and fear. It can lie flat, back, leg, lift, tilt and other position conversion, so that puerpera can adjust their posture in bed according to their own desire. The lifting and tilting of the bed, the change of the Angle of the backplane and the height of the auxiliary table are all driven by the motor, which greatly improves the working efficiency of the medical staff.

  • Bed length2310mm±5mm
    Bed width1002mm±5mm
    Общий подъем583—930mm±5mm
    Наклон назад


    Объединительная плата сложена


    Leg plate lifting425-612mm±5mm
    Вылет пластины для ног


    Leg plate folded



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